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Best Online Stock Trading (UK)

For the best online stock trading in the United Kingdom you should know one or two things to do with stock trading, many people do not take interest is this because of the onset of CFDs and ETFs and other tradable commissions.

The one thing that people do not consider is that stock trading is very lucrative although it is a long term venture. It is important to consult your financial advisor before getting into stock trading.


Online Stock Trading


If you are going to get into this, then it is important to know some of the things that make a certain share dealing broker better than the other. Most of this is covered in the fees they charge for their services.

CFD Stock Trading

Stock trading also requires one to have a notable investment in place. The following are some of the charges to not when picking a goo online stock broker for the best stock trading in the UK:


  • Standard rates: These are commissions paid for UK stock trades only, while trading other international stock and telephone orders the standard rates differ.

  • Discounted rates: These are reduced commission fees awarded to frequent traders and traders with large accounts. This goes for UK stocks only, this should be noted clearly.

  • Reinvest dividends: These are awarded when a trader reinvests their dividends back to shares of the company that gave the dividends.

  • Regular investing: This is a discounted fee given to that trader who is active and makes structured investment into a given stock.

  • Standard account fees: these are fees that comprise of the administrative fees, inactivity fees, custody fees charged to a standard account.

  • ISA fees: These are charged on the administrative, inactivity, and custody. These fees are charged on an ISA and this fee is paid annually.

  • SIPP fees: These are charged on the administrative, inactivity, and custody. These fees are charged on SIPP and the fees are paid annually.

  • Other charges and notes: these include transfer fees, minimum account sizes, restriction fees, one off fees, minimum account size fees among other charges made.

The above stated charges are what make the broker either the best online stock trading firm in United Kingdom or not. The charges differ from broker to broker and that is how you are going to know who the best broker is in comparison to the fees they charge for their online stock trading services.


Best Online Stock Trading (UK)


The following are some of the top brokers in United Kingdom offering the best online stock trading services.

The brokers details will be derived from the charges stated above.


Barclays Stock Trading


  • Discounted rates: if the trader makes 10-19 trades in the past month, they get an eight and a half pound discounted fee, and for the more active trader with over 20 trades in the past month you get 5.95 pound discounted rate.

  • Account fee: the fees are quite small and they are only paid per quarter, the trader pays at 14.4 pound with the VAT included, this charge is not paid if the trader makes at least one trade during that quarter.

  • ISA fees:  this fee is made twice a year, this broker charges eighteen pounds VAT included in the charge.

  • SIPP fees: this fee is made four times a year and it costs forty six and a half pounds. The VAT is inclusive in this charge.

  • Transfer out fee: the broker charges thirty pounds per holding on a standard account, the ISA charge on this is thirty pounds per holding and an additional sixty pounds VAT inclusive. The SIPP charge on this is ninety pounds VAT inclusive.


FXCM Stock Trading


  • Standard rates: This broker offers a twelve and a half pound fee for trades made less than two thousand pounds and any trades greater than that you are charged twenty five pounds.

  • Account fee: The fee charged for this is twenty five pounds per month but it is cut if you trade three or more times within a month.

  • SIPP fees: the charges are based on the third party SIPP admin, it should be noted their charges differ.

  • Minimum account size: this broker has its minimum account size placed at twenty thousand pounds.

  • Transfer out fees: this fee is charged to the standard account holders, it is twenty pounds per holding.


Lloyd Bank Share Dealing


  • Discounted rate: traders who make twelve trades or more in each quarter will only be charged eleven and a half pounds per trade in the months ahead.

  • Account fees: the trader pays sixteen pounds every half year.

  • ISA fees: the trader is charged zero point three percent inclusive of VAT, this charge is between fifteen pounds and seventy two pounds based on the percentage stated.

  • Transfer out: this is only charged on standard and ISA accounts at ten pounds per holding.


First Direct Shares


  • Discounted rates: the broker offers nine pounds per trade if the trader had made nine trades in the previous quarter. This is a very fair price for any trader who does share investing.

  • Account fees: the fee is based on the trader not the accounts held by the trader, so the charges is ten and a half pounds VAT inclusive every three months and it covers all accounts held by the trader.

  • ISA fees: the same scenario applies here too; one fee covers all accounts held by the trader. The charge is ten and a half pound VAT inclusive.

  • Transfer out: this fee applies to standard accounts and ISA; it is charged fifteen pounds per holding.


These are some of the best online stock trading options you will find in the United Kingdom. There are a lot more to choose from but this is the criteria to consider when selecting the best online stock trading service in UK.


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